Ministries - Bringing people into a dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ
MUSIC MINISTRIES under direction of Brett Miller (Adults, Family Choir), Don Gardner, Music Director Emeritus- ( Bell Choirs):
The music ministry touches every area of the church. We seek to help people develop and use their talents to glorify God, to enhance our worship services, and to reach out to the community. We offer choirs and instrumental groups for all ages. It is our hope to make membership in the music program a time of growth, to understand how God touches and blesses our lives, and as a time to be with others who share our faith.
ADULT/FAMILY MINISTRIES At First United Methodist Church we offer a variety of different classes and lessons for adults of all ages and situations of life. We offer numerous opportunities for short and long term studies and involvement. We focus on developing individuals and families spiritually, physically, financially, emotionally, and mentally. We like to think that this is a safe place to explore faith and ask questions.
YOUTH MINISTRIES At its heart, FUMC offers opportunities for all youth to connect to and grow in a relationship with God, wrestle with the tough issues in life, find help in times of crisis, make friends who really care, reach out to others in the community, and have a lot of crazy fun!
Our ministries are open to all who are searching for something more in life. Regular youth group meetings help you make friends and have fun while learning and struggling a bit with life and faith issues. But most of all you'll find people who care, and a God who loves you no matter what.
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CHILDREN'S MINISTRIES "Let the little children come to me: do not stop them for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs." Mark 10:14 Just as Jesus did, we welcome the children to First United Methodist Church. To us, children are an active, vital part of our church community. Our Childrens activities relate to the vision of our church which includes growth in faith, service to others, Christian love for others, and sharing of the Word.