This United Methodist Church is a part of a world-wide church that holds to the basic teachings of Christianity, and we consider ourselves part of the whole church of Jesus Christ made up of many denominations.
Our more than 41,000 congregations around the world welcome everyone who seeks to respond to God's love, to grow in spiritual strength, and to participate in congregations providing support and opportunities for service. All people are welcome to attend services and receive Holy Communion.
We are followers of Jesus Christ and give special emphasis to certain Christian truths:
1. Everyone can know God's love through Christ and be changed. This is God's "amazing grace."
2. This grace fills us with an assurance that we are God's beloved children, and gives us courage to live our lives with strength, integrity, love, and compassion.
3. God wants us, both as individuals and as communities to be better than we are. So we are active in applying God's truth to our own lives, and to the larger communities of which we are a part.
4. While we are bound together by these truths, we celebrate a wide diversity of opinions about many matters. John Wesley, founder of the Methodist movement, said that Methodists are not defined by their opinions, but by how much they love God and "shed God's love abroad in the world."
United Methodism is an 'amazing connection' of people called by God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and walking in the footsteps of the risen Christ. We invite you to journey with us.